1. User login / sign-up.
2. User profile management.
3. Create race collection for every user.
4. Register as guest.
5. Register other individual or group.
6. Race registration management.
7. Create and manage event.
8. Add registartion fee with registration period.
9. Accepts online payment.
10. Send email to a single or multiple participants.
11. Add personal payment option.
12. Personalized email notification.
13. Delegate or assign event management to another person.
14. Race result with e-certificate.
15. Download registered participants to excel.
16. Add and display sponsor logo.
17. Add multiple race category.
18. Create discount and coupon.
19. Upload image reference for events information.
20. Automatic payment validation
21. Multiple payment option.
22. Customized electronic waiver.
23. Print / download e-certificate for every event.
24. Upoad race result with automatic ranking.